Friday, May 15, 2015

May 2015

Busy Busy Busy!  We are all racing to the finish line of the school year, but here are some things that you might want to consider and make note of:  

  • Presidents' Report
  • VCTM 2015 Fall Conference: Save the Date!  
  • Call for Proposals
  • Math Morsels Round 3
  • NCTM Boston
  • Math Educators's Night at Fenway Park
  • Looking Down the Road…(I-89):  New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics are starting to plan for the ATMNE 2016 Fall Conference
  • Common Core Statistics for Secondary Educators
  • Free Mathematics Teacher Magazines

Presidents' Report

Hello, and Happy Spring!  

Please read this newsletter for information about our VCTM 2015 Fall Conference (October 16th—mark your calendars!) and our presence at the NCTM Annual Meeting in Boston last month.

VCTM is collaborating with the Vermont Agency of Education to support their “Math Morsels” series of workshops. Through our Liaison with the Vermont Agency of Education, Lara White, VCTM is providing financial support throughout the 2014-2015 school year. These events are geared toward teachers of grades 6-12, and typically take place from 4 to 6pm with ½ hour of socializing and snacking followed by a workshop.  The first round of Math Morsels took place in November/December 2014, with a topic of Proficiency Based Learning. The second round of Math Morsels took place in January/February 2015, with a topic of SBAC summative assessment. Keep your eyes and ears open (or contact Lara White at for the final round of Math Morsels will be hosted in May/June 2015, around the topic of assessment in a proficiency-based system.

It was wonderful to have the NCTM Annual Meeting and Expo in the northeast this spring.  NCTM provided 60 complimentary registrations to ATMIM (Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts); ATMIM then voted to share those equally across the ATMNE affiliates.  VCTM gladly gave away free registrations to Sally Conway (Vergennes Union Elementary School), Marlene Allen (Springfield High School), Jennifer Ericson (Riverside Middle School), and VCTM board members: Jean McKenny, Harvie Porter, Sue Abrams, David Rome, Mary Calder, Patty Kelly, Sean Sullivan.

Most exciting is that we have been adding to our VCTM Board of Directors this winter/spring and are still welcoming more members to join us. If you would like to take on a leadership role and share in our work with math teachers around Vermont, please reach out to us. Responsibilities large and small are available, especially related to conference planning!

Best wishes from your VCTM Co-Presidents,
Christine Latulippe and Kate McCann,

VCTM 2015 Fall Conference: Save the Date!

VCTM invites you to our Annual Mathematics Conference, “Growing Math Minds”, which will be held on Friday, October 16 at Vermont Technical College in Randolph.  We will welcome Dr. Michael Shaughnessy, NCTM Past President 2010-2012, as our keynote speaker. 

“Growing Math Minds” will have presentations focused on instructional strategies to promote the Common Core Mathematical Practices; Growth mindset: mathematical discourse in the mathematics classroom; and Proficiency Based Learning for career and college readiness.
What are YOU doing in your classroom today? Feel the energy that comes with organizing your thoughts for others, getting feedback from colleagues, and taking your professional development beyond the walls of your school.

Join us for a day of conversation, presentations, idea sharing, and resource gathering. Network with mathematics educators from across the state and learn about what’s working well in other teachers’ classrooms.

Call for Proposals

Volunteer to present at the VCTM conference, and share your ideas with colleagues from across the state in a 60-minute session. Sessions traditionally involve a speaker or speakers relating ideas to an audience, and often include handouts and audience participation. Presentations might also take the form of a panel discussion where multiple teachers share ideas and experiences on a particular topic; VCTM welcomes groups of teachers to present their ideas together.
All presenters are encouraged to share and utilize manipulatives, curricula, and effective pedagogical strategies during their presentations. However, conference presentations are not intended to be commercials or promotions of particular products by individuals who may benefit financially from sale of the products.
The deadline for proposals is July 15, 2015. Speakers will be notified by August 15, 2015. Please complete the form linked here:
Multiple submissions are allowed, but priority will be given to including a wide variety of presenters.
Email Kate McCann at with questions.


Math Morsels Round 3

We want to develop discussion networks for math educators in grades 6-12, regionally and state-wide.   Share what you are doing; hear what is happening near you.
May/June Regional Meetings: Sharing Assessment Strategies, Grading, Reporting and Retakes (link to registration) Join us for a conversation about assessment in a proficiency-based system.  Educators will share ideas about assessments and discuss important issues around grading and reporting.  How do you know when a student is proficient? What is the retake philosophy? How are you reporting proficiency to students and parents? (Check out our seven regional venues and a virtual option as well!)

Find the place and date that work best for you.
            May 20, South Burlington High School, 4-6 p.m.
May 21, North Country Career Center (Newport), 4-6 p.m.
May 28, Montpelier High School, 4-6 p.m.
June 4, Rutland Intermediate School, 4-6 p.m.

Would you rather join a virtual conversation? I will arrange a GoTo Meeting option.
(Please place a checkmark on the virtual option within the registration form.)

Lara White, M.Ed.;  Secondary Mathematics Program and School Effectiveness Coordinator
Vermont Agency of Education  (802) 479-1364 –


NCTM Boston

I had the pleasure of representing the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting & Exposition in Boston, MA from April 15-18, 2015 . During this conference time I attended the Eastern Caucus Meeting, the Delegate Assembly, and many conference workshops.

During the Eastern Caucus Meeting we discussed several issues that NCTM is currently navigating. These issues included affiliate (for example, VCTM) membership, creating diverse affiliate and NCTM leadership, computer science and/or coding courses replacing high school math courses, and high stakes testing across the country. We brainstormed what our affiliates are doing to support these issues within our areas. We also shared work that is going on in our affiliates and new ways that we are bringing conferences and new learning to our geographic areas.

The conference itself was an amazing experience! Having the opportunity to be among  many math educators and national leaders such as Jo Boaler, Dan Meyer, and Diana Briars provided me with numerous opportunities for rich discussions and professional development. One of the  conference themes that was overarching many sessions was using the resource, Principles to Actions (published by NCTM in 2014), within schools and districts as a professional development tool to inform instructional practices and drive the shifts in our teaching of mathematics. This resource is available at in either book or e-book formats.

Another overarching theme of the workshops that I attended was the importance of making use of teaching strategies that foster the student mathematical practices of the CCSSM. This included providing students with open-ended tasks that can be differentiated and that support deep mathematical discourse. The student-centered practices of engaging in a mathematical task and then expressing reasoning to others provides for a higher level of thinking and embeds a student’s understanding into long-term memory. These tasks are also often hands-on, use manipulatives, and provide students with an engaging classroom experience.

I’m looking forward to using the tools and resources that I gained from the conference and thank VCTM for supporting our learning as math professionals in Vermont.

Patty Kelly
VCTM Board of Directors
K-5 Math Coach, Springfield School District, Springfield, VT


Math Educators's Night at Fenway Park 

New England Finalists for the 2014 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching  were honored with certificates and small gifts from ATMIM and ATMNE 
on Friday April 17, 2015.  Vermont was represented by Laura Botte Fretz (Edmunds Middle School, Burlington) and Tom Young (Waitsfield Elementary School) represented Vemont. Also honored were the 2014 Father Stanley J. Bezsuzka Award Winner from ATMIM (Lisa Mikus from Newton Public Schools) and from ATMNE Dr. Anne Collins from Lesley University.  The night at Fenway coincided with the NCTM Conference that drew over 500 attendees to the game ( which the Red Sox won 3-2 over the Orioles)


Looking Down the Road…(I-89):  New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics are Planning the ATMNE 2016 Fall Conference

NHTM is beginning to plan and prepare for the conference and are looking for some willing folks to assist on their committees.  They are looking for an individual who is willing to work on the program committee who would serve by identifying potential speakers from Vermont and then to be available to review speaker proposals.  If you are interested in assisting, please send your name, grade level(s) and email address to Harvie Porter at, your ATMNE Representative from VCTM. 

If you would like to get involved in a different committee (Exhibits; Hospitality and Special Events; NCTM Bookstore; Registration and Membership; Session and Workshop Support; Signs and Printing; and Student Hosts), let Harvie know as well and he will pass along the information. 


Common Core Statistics for Secondary Educators

Stacey Anthony of Essex HS is offering a 3-credit UVM course this summer designed for secondary math teachers desiring a thorough review of all standards included in the Probability and Statistics conceptual category of CCSS.  The course will take place June 22-26, with pre- and post-class readings and discussions.  For more information, contact:


Free Mathematics Teacher Magazines

Former Hartland Elementary teacher (and VCTM Board Member) Mary-Anne Johnson Boyce has about twenty years’ worth of Mathematics teacher and Middle School Math Teacher magazines that she would like for someone to adopt them, as well as some math books as well.  If you are interested in them, drop her a line at