Sunday, May 21, 2017

VCTM May eNewsletter

Presidents’ Message

Hello, Vermont Teachers of Mathematics!

We hope this newsletter finds you well. In it you will find information about our first ever Vermont Math Fair, which was held at UVM in March. What a fun morning we got to spend with K-12 students and families, examining their hard work and colorful posters, and talking with them about mathematics! We’re excited to see this tradition continue next year!

We are also excited to announce that Sue Abrams (Montpelier High School) and Lara White (Caledonia North Supervisory Union) are stepping up as VCTM Presidents-Elect for 2017. In October 2017, they will take over as your new VCTM Presidents. Congratulations to Sue and Lara!

2017 has brought an exciting opportunity to Math Education in Vermont, as VCTM has subsumed or absorbed the Vermont Math Leadership Council. Moving forward, VCTM will commit to offer resources and support to not just Vermont’s Teachers of Mathematics, but also include a focus on Vermont’s Mathematics Teacher Leaders. If you were a VMLC member, welcome aboard!

VCTM is looking for a few good Board Members! Are you willing to join us in our mission to build a math educators community and engage student learning throughout Vermont? We have openings for a few zone representatives and newsletter editor. We are already planning for our Fall 2017 Conference, and would appreciate help with that as well! For more information about these positions and what it means to be on the board, please contact us—we’ll give you the straight scoop about commitment and payoffs!

A few opportunities to keep you busy and mathematically active this summer:
·       Jo Boaler’s “How to Learn Math: For Students” is a self-paced online course that is now available for FREE!
·       The Associations of Mathematics Teachers in New York, New Jersey, and New England are banding together again for the New Cubed 2017 Summer Conference at Siena College (more information on this below)
·       Lesley University is offering a summer institute for teachers, “Exploring the Standards for Mathematical Practice”.
·       For Fans of “The Grapes of Math”, Greg Tang will be in New Hampshire in August!

Happy Spring,
Christine Latulippe (Norwich University) and Kate McCann (U-32 High School)
VCTM Co-Presidents


VCTM Fall Conference Information

VCTM's fall conference promises to be a great day! Monday Oct. 16, 2017 at St Michael's College. Regular registration is $125, but register before Sept. 29, 2017 and save $10!!!

Do you have a great idea, or a lesson that went well, or implementation strategies that are working for those PBGRs or PLPs? Or maybe, you've done some work in equity and access you're interested in sharing? Or something else that you'd like to share? Apply to speak at the conference by clicking here.

If you have any questions, email Conference Committee Chair Katie Westby:


ATMNE in Massachusetts this fall-mark your calendars now!! 

VCTM First Statewide Math Fair

Burlington, Vermont: On Saturday March 25, the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics held its first annual Math Fair for K-12 student.  The event was hosted by the University of Vermont Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Votey Hall.  32 projects were judged by 4 teams of two.  Judges included UVM faculty, classroom teachers, pre-service teachers and interested people from the STEM industry.  This year’s winners in each of the 5 divisions were as follows,

Grades K-2: 1st Place Nora McCann and Indy Roberts representing Carrie Blodgett’s 2nd grade class at Union Elementary,

Grades 3-4: 1st Place Kiley Lajeunesse and Haileigh Demers from Milton Elementary, 2nd Place Brianne Gallas from Milton Elementary, and 3rd Place Alexis Troville from Milton Elementary.

Grades 5-6: 1st Place Emmett Jarvis from Main Street Middle School, 2nd Place Ellie Zimmerman and Astrid Young from Stowe Middle School, and 3rd Place Omar Moran and Ayden Honnon from Milton Elementary.  Honorable Mentions in Grades 5-6 were awarded to Sierra Martin and Evelyn Groeling from Milton Elementary and Diya Kulkarni from Main Street Middle School

            Grades 7-8: First Place Sophia Hussak from Barstow Memorial School, 2nd Place Lexi             Farwell and Ellie Tracy from Barstow Memorial School, 3rd Place Kasi McCann from Main Street Middle School

            Grades 9-12: First Place Victoria Chang from South Burlington High School, 2nd Place            Taylor “Zoso” Christiana from U-32 High School, 3rd Place Wyona Powell from and             Melanie Storm from Brattleboro Union High School

The Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics would like to publically thank our sponsors for this event:  The National Life Group and Costco Wholesale.  Your generous donations made this even possible and led to its success.  

The Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a math educator’s community facilitating conversation and sharing resources around best practices to engage student learning.  The rationale for the math fair project includes generating excitement around math, providing low stakes competition, reaching a wide audience, creating a public outlet for math while building community involvement and providing a big opportunity for High School students to attain evidence to demonstrate proficiency in transferable skills and math proficiency through a flexible pathway.  If you’d like to know more about VCTM or the Math Fair visit our website at or reach us by email at

Project by Victoria Chang, SBHS

Project by Mrs. Blodgett’s Class, MSMS

Representatives: Nora McCann and Indy Roberts


Report from the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics by Patty Kelly

NCSM Annual Meeting April 3 – April 5, 2017, San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio, Texas was the site of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 49th Annual Conference. The conference contained 5 strands of professional development workshops, including leadership, coaching, motivation, equity and social justice, and assessment.

The keynote address by DESMOS CEO, Eli Luberoff discussed “Knocking Down Barriers with Technology.” While demonstrating engaging activities using the Marble slides application from DESMOS, Luberoff kicked off the conference with an interactive and exciting opportunity to reflect on today’s math teaching.
Other key presentations included Jo Boaler’s presentation on “The Mindset Revolution: Teaching Mathematics for a Growth Mindset,” and Graham Fletcher sharing his bank of elementary 3-Act Tasks, and learning to “Be less helpful” with Dan Meyer. Steve Leinwand’s lively presentation on “Ten Instructional Tweaks Every Math Leader Needs to Advocate for and Be Able to Model,” was presented twice, due to popular demand. Many of these presentation slides, as well as other valuable resources from the conference can be found at:

Dr. Timothy Kanold, author of Heart!: Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader, received the NCSM Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award for his outstanding contributions to the field of education and NCSM. Dr. Kanold also presented on, “Heartprint: Transforming the Way We Teach and Lead!”
The NCSM Eastern Meeting included representatives from various affiliates across the Eastern region of the United States. Several affiliates highlighted local conferences, including NCSM’s Summer Leadership Academy in Bangor, Maine July 24-26. The Associations of Mathematics of Teachers of New York, New Jersey, and New England are also hosting a joint conference, New Cubed, at Siena College July 9-12. As well, our own Vermont Math Leadership Council, now merged with VCTM, received our affiliate status with NCSM.


Report from the National Council of Teachers of Math Annual Conference by Patty Kelly

NCTM Annual Meeting April 6-8, 2017 San Antonio, Texas

This year’s National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference was held in San Antonio, Texas April 6-8. Main topics included access and equity, assessment, professionalism, and tools and technology.

Keynote speaker, Jordan Ellenberg, is an author and professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His talk centered around, “How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking.” This topic was central to many workshops throughout the conference, focusing on student and educator growth in the context of deep mathematical teaching and learning.

During the Delegate Assembly NCTM representatives outlined their foundational priorities of:
·       access, equity & empowerment
·       advocacy
·       curriculum, instruction & assessment
·       professional development
·       research
·       technology

Many resources and professional development opportunities addressing NCTM’s foundational priorities can be found at The Delegate Assembly also discussed issues, such as NCTM’s stance on the “rush to calculus,” developing more affordable options for members to attend annual conferences, mechanisms for having affiliate concerns about national mathematics education issues heard by NCTM, and adding a “Parent Tab” on NCTM’s website to provide information and guidance around math education.

            Some of the upcoming NCTM professional development activities include:

            Summer Institutes in Baltimore, MD:
·       Facilitating Discourse, July 17-19
·       Supporting Productive Struggle, July 20-22

Affiliate Leaders Conference in Baltimore, MD:
·       July 22-24, Registration deadline June 23, 2017

One of the most powerful opportunities during the NCTM was Shadow Con, an evening event open to all NCTM participants in which several speakers discuss topics of high interest in the field of education. Hosted by Zachary Champagne, Dan Meyer, and Michael Flynn, each speaker will then facilitate a free on-line course. The presentations and links to sign up for the fall courses can be found here:

Please look for more information in upcoming VCTM newsletters regarding next year’s Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. April 25-28, 2018.


Fifth Annual Summer Institute - Exploring the Standards for Mathematical Practice


What:  Three days of mathematics professional development for K-12 educators. Attend one, two, or all three days.  Mathematics educators from New England, New York, and New Jersey will give workshops in topics ranging from repeated reasoning to spreadsheets to teaching money through board games—and more  See daily schedule below.


Joyful Mathematics: How to Increase Students' Interest and Engagement
Matthew Beyranevand, K-12 Mathematics and Science Department Coordinator for the Chelmsford, MA, public schools.

Unlocking the Power of Problem Based Learning to Support the Standards for Mathematical Practice

Mike Flynn, Director of Mathematics Leadership Programs at Mount Holyoke College.

Spark Curiosity...and Explore the Beauty and Harmony of Numbers
Tracy Manousaridis, Mathematics Curriculum Specialist for Weston, MA, public schools. 
Register now for one, two, or three days. 
Registration includes materials, light breakfast, and lunch.
Cost: $350 for three days; $240 for two days; $120 for one day. Save $50 by registering by June 15. 
Where:  University Hall, 1815 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140 
Who: Steve Yurek, 617.349.8938

How:  Registration Required;  Cost: Three days $350, two days $240, one day $120


New Cubed Summer Conference
Things are in high gear for the 2nd New Cubed summer conference. The conference, a collaborative event of the Associations of Mathematics Teachers of New York, New Jersey, and New England will be held at Siena College starting July 9
We hope you can join us for the conference this year. We are in the last stages of completing another outstanding program. As soon as it is ready we will share it with you. Once again we are constructing a program that has narrow grade band workshops at (almost) every session time. 
 Please let your elementary level colleagues know about the conference by talking with them and sharing the attached flyer and last year's program. New Cubed may be the only conference that has PreK-K, grade 1-2, grade 3-4, grade 5-6, and grade 7-8 workshops throughout the conference. There may be a couple of times when we stretch this narrow grade band feature. For instance, we are planning on a special workshop about using Rubik's cubes to teach math to young children. This workshop will be offered for grades K-4 and then again for grades 5-9. 
Registration is open!! Visit to register.  Once again we have a reasonable registration fee of $250 for the three day conference. This registration fee includes either a new membership in your state mathematics teachers organization or a one year extension of your current membership. Thanks to our exhibitors and sponsors, lunches and coffee breaks are also provided as part of registration. If you can find a three day conference for less than $250 please share this with me. For those staying on campus with us, we will be using student housing that has cooling (AC), rooms that feature private bathrooms, and free parking. The approximately $250 housing fee also includes the welcoming bar-b-que on Sunday evening, the banquet dinner on Tuesday evening, and breakfast every morning. 
On Monday evening we are running two social event options. We have a charter bus to take conference participants to beautiful Lake George for a dinner cruise and another bus to take participants to a concert at the famous Tanglewood music center in the nearby Berkshires. 
Contact Jim Matthews, Conference Coordinator, with questions at 518-783-2466


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